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Writer's pictureSue Bridgman

How To Tell If Your Child Has Dyscalculia

According to, the learning disability dyscalculia impacts between five and seven percent of elementary aged children. Dyscalculia refers to specific learning disabilities that affect a child’s ability to perform math, understand mathematical concepts, or understand numbers. Not all children who struggle with math have dyscalculia. Learning disabilities like dyslexia, ADHD, and more have the ability to impact a child’s comprehension and performance in math. It is possible for kids to have dyscalculia in addition to other learning disabilities. In fact, many do. As a parent, it may be difficult to discern whether or not your child has dyscalculia, or whether they are struggling due to another issue at play. When it comes to dyscalculia, here is what to look for:

In General

  • Difficulty with recognizing numbers.

  • Delayed in learning to count.

  • Struggle to connect numerical symbols.

  • Struggle to recognize patterns and place things in order.

  • Lose track when counting.

  • Need visual aids to help count.

  • Have significant difficulty learning basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.).

Preschool Children

  • When your child has trouble connecting numbers to things. For example, if you ask your child to bring you a plate with four cookies on it, they will not know which one to bring.

  • They have trouble sorting items. For example, if you asked them to help you sort the silverware, they could not put forks, knives, and spoons into categories.

  • They have trouble with concepts involving time. For example, they may believe something takes much longer than it actually does.

  • Your child will struggle with counting. They may skip over numbers long after kids the same age can remember the correct order.

  • Cannot recognize patterns. For example, they cannot discern smallest to largest, or tallest to shortest.

Elementary School

  • When your child has trouble learning and recalling basic math facts.

  • When they still use their fingers to count instead of using mental math.

  • They struggle to identify math signs and to use them correctly. (+,- , etc.).

  • Still struggle with understanding math phrases like “greater than”, or “less than”.

  • They have trouble with place value, putting numbers in the wrong column.

Middle School

  • When your child is afraid of getting lost, and has a hard time with directions.

  • Your child will still avoid the use of numbers. For example, they won’t make a phone call if it means looking up a number.

  • When they still have trouble with time.

  • When they have trouble with comparing things. For example, tall vs. short, or small vs. large.

  • They struggle with math concepts like 3 + 5 is the same as 5 + 3.

  • They struggle to understand math language and come up with a plan to solve math problems. If they become frustrated with math homework, that is a signal that they may be having a hard time understanding.

  • They struggle to keep score in sports.

  • They may avoid situations that require understanding numbers. For example, they will avoid games that involve math.

High School

  • When they struggle to understand charts and graphs.

  • They struggle applying math concepts to money. For example, they struggle with making exact change and calculating a tip.

  • They have trouble measuring things like ingredients in a recipe or liquid in a bottle.

  • When they lack confidence in activities that require understanding speed, distance, and direction. For example, they may get lost easily.

  • They have trouble finding different approaches to the same math problem. For example, adding the length and width of a rectangle and doubling the answer to solve for perimeter rather than adding up all the sides.

If your child is showing any one of these signs, they may have dyscalculia. As their parent, it’s important to make sure you are clear that there’s nothing wrong with them, and you’re going to help them understand math. My Multiplication Magic is the revolutionary math curriculum to help your child with dyscalculia and dyslexia understand multiplication for good. No more frustration, no more tears, you will finally get to see your child feel pride in their performance in math. Contact us here and learn more about how to find a My Multiplication Magic coach near you!

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