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How To Tell If Your Child Has Dyscalculia​
According to, the learning disability dyscalculia impacts between five and seven percent of elementary aged children. Dyscalculia refers to specific learning disabilities that affect a child’s ability to perform math, understand mathematical concepts, or understand numbers. Not all c…Read More​
Tips For Homework Completion for Dyslexic Students: When The Going Gets Tough
Homework is not always a joyous process for parents and children. For a child with dyslexia, it can be even more frustrating to keep up the pace of academic rigor after the final bell has rung. When homework is seen as a barrier to the rest and relaxation that should be afforded at home, it beco…Read More
What Is Dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a term referring to learning disabilities involving math. It is sometimes called, “math dyslexia”, although dyscalculia and dyslexia are not the same thing. Experts estimate that three to six percent of the population suffers from some form of dyscalculia. This may seem like a sma…Read More
Overcoming Barriers To Learning In The Classroom
The privilege of receiving an education is one of the greatest opportunities we can grasp as we grow. Our time in school should be joyous, exciting, and inspiring as we take what we learn and decide who we want to become. For a child experiencing barriers to learning, however, school can be an inc…Read More
I’m Dyslexic, But I’m Not Stupid: A Child’s View Of Dyslexia
As a student, being diagnosed with a learning disability such as dyslexia is a challenge. Not only does it make a child feel “singled out” and “different”, it can cause other issues as well. People on the outside of the diagnosis looking in may assume things about the learner. For instan…Read More
Is Tutoring the Right Career For You?
Have you ever been told by others that you are a caring person, a good listener, or a quick problem solver? According to the Meyers-Briggs personality test people who ascribe to the ESFJ (Caregivers) personality type tend to thrive in the teaching field because they believe in ”... inspiring peo…Read More
Dyslexia and Emerging Technology
When breaking through some of the myths and stigmas surrounding dyslexia and dyscalculia, it’s important to remember a few key facts. About 70%-80% of people globally who have reading disabilities or poor reading skills suffer from dyslexia specifically. One in five students, or 15%-20% of the pop…Read More
Social Emotional Support For Children With Learning Disabilities
When your child is diagnosed with a learning disability, it can be natural to have concerns about what they will struggle with as they continue on their educational pathway. What we also need to realize is that they may also struggle with their diagnosis, and they may develop anxieties and emotion…Read More
Things Parents and Teachers Need to Know About Dyslexia
Going to school should be a place of fun and excitement, not stress and chaos. For a child with a learning disability such as dyslexia, school is a scary and unwelcoming place. Tasks that other children find joyous and simple to undertake are challenging and frustrating. Quite often, a diagnosis…Read More
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia: How Multisensory Learning Can Help
Language-based learning disabilities affect anywhere from 15-20% of the adult population. Of those, dyslexia is by far the most common. Whether you’re a parent, a sibling, a teacher, or caretaker; odds are you’ve encountered dyslexia before. Another less common but equally frustrating condition i…Read More
Welcome to My Multiplication Magic Monday Moments Blog
Welcome to the new website for My Multiplication Magic! Stay tuned here for our latest updates, articles, and practical tips. Every Monday we will post practical, useful, and intriguing articles as you learn more about dyslexia, dyscalculia, and starting your own tutoring business or using this cu…Read More
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